Have you ever come across a puppy on a random footpath, sitting all bruised with a perplexed face, and wondered how you can help rather than only 'aww-ing' at it? Are you a true-blue animal lover? Then chances are, that you must have heard of all the good work that the folks at the World For All Animal Care And Adoption do. But on a recent visit to their center we chatted up with Taronish Bulsara, the co-founder at the organisation, and dug deep into how it all started.
Founded in 2006, World For All solely exists to give animals a better place in the world. And it's as simple as that. From adoption camps, constant rescuing and treatment of animals and looking for foster homes, these guys often host different events so as to raise funds for the animals. It all started when they found a homeless pupper on the road, and rescued it. One became 20 and twenty became 200. And that's how the NGO was formed. Here's what they do - rescue dogs and cats, spay them, and treat them well so they're ready to be adopted by you. So far, around 12,000 animals have been rescued, and 7,500 have been adopted.
"The Government Of India has promised that by 2020, no Indian human being will be homeless. And if that's their agenda, why not include indie strays in the plan as well? Why just human beings? World For All plans to up the rescue numbers by next year and make sure that every single animal gets a permanent home!", says Taronish.
Some animals have been rescued from ghastly situations and the wounds we saw literally made us want to throw up. But the best part is that they're in the right hands now, and all they need is your love. Here's how you can contribute - If you ever see a homeless doggo, dial up the NGO, rescue them, or even better, try to foster them till you can. And if you can permanently adopt them, nothing like it. You can also give a better life to the animals here through small donations.
So if you're already convinced, you might want to get in touch with them for adoptions (They're pretty active on their site and social media platforms)
Pankhuri Singh
@Meena The address is mentioned in the article. You can click on the map to know the exact location.