Get Your First Look at the Postfold Collection Here


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Postfold is an online apparel brand for both men and women, with clothes that work in both formal workspaces as well as for after-hours scenes.

Plaid it by the shirt

The first thing you notice about the collection at Postfold is that the clothes are far from being over the top. Fairly basic and formal, these pieces, we feel, are great for building up a basic wardrobe; they can be easily layered and dressed up. Plus, for the fairly decent quality of fabrics used, the prices are fairly reasonable.

If you love some plaid, gingham, chambrays and stripes in your wardrobe, they have Oxford shirts, polo T-shirts, dress shirts, and crew neck tees for men. Womenswear includes laser cut tops, printed yoke tops and shirt blouses, apart from the basic tees and shirts.

Options, options

Because they are quite new, the options available are limited, but we expect that to be taken care of over a period of time. Plus, from what we see in their current collection, we wouldn’t mind a few more options for womenswear.


An urban yogini with a serious fetish for yoga, wholesome living, and homegrown indie brands.