Alligator Bottle Openers, Fox Flasks & Lots Of Wine At Kailash Colony

2105 Interested |

What Makes It Awesome

You might think this is just a fancy department store - they've got everything from corn flakes to Victoria's Secret body mists which is pretty great on its own but head to the first floor for a glorified theka.

They've got a wide selection of wines and everything you might need for a last minute party. Cute bottle openers, bottle bags, toothpicks, flasks {for your solo alcoholic party}. Some stuff seems a little dusty, probably because this floor isn't frequented too often. We weren't aware of it ourselves till recently.

What Could Be Better?

The beer selection isn't great - you'll get your regular lagers.

Anything Else?

There's also a wide variety of boxes of all kinds - for both storage and tiffin purposes. What doesn't this store have?

Editor @ LBB/ Poker Face/ Cakehead/ Momo Sapien/ Lip balm hoarder/ Pro online shopper/ Puppy Person/ Explorer of all things food & drinks 🍸