Free Drinks For Ladies & Awards For Ugly Sweaters At This Party

What Is It?

Warehouse Cafe Gurgaon is inviting everyone for a super fun Ugly Sweater Christmas Party. Block Dec 21 to celebrate wearing sweaters that have remained hidden in lofts after all those shameful family photos had a mini-you trotting around in one of those.

When you show up in that sweater and it’s uglier than everyone else’s, you get to win gifts! And them ladies enjoy an open bar. 

Who Is It For?

If you’ve avoided parties because every Delhi girl and boy is so dressed up, you’ll love this gathering where you get to stand out for your ability to dress down. 

Why Should I Go For It?

It’s fun to be silly. Plus, there’s that thrill of being badly dressed in daddy-sized Christmas jumpers that went out of style in the 18th century.

Even if you don’t got a sweater that makes the cut, we bet the offer of drinks on the house is too sweet to refuse. No?

Anything Else?

Check the ugly sweater characteristics and other pertinent info on Warehouse’s Facebook page.

When: Dec 21

Where: Warehouse Cafe Gurgaon

Timings: 9pm onwards

Featured photo source: via Flickr [CC BY 2.0][Generic]


Lover of lamps, wine & boho dresses, Rene is living her best life in Goa. Mention a cool gig or a hipster cafe & you'll instantly have her attention.