As an athlete, I often wear different pairs of shoes for running and training and my recent purchase of the Adidas training Crazy Bounce shoes makes me VERY happy. It is important to wear the right kind of shoes for activities and it often pains my heart to see people wear training shoes for running or vice versa. YES, there is a difference between the two!
I spend at least an hour a day either running or training. This means that when I am training, I need shoes that provide support for multidirectional movement - heel-to-toe and side-to-side. I've been using my shoes for the last eight weeks for weight training, functional movement, and TRX sessions. They're flexible, support my feet really well, have a fantastic grip on the outsole and a flatter heel with cushioning, thus giving me the balance that I need.
So, get out there and get yourself a pair of trainers, that are specific to your needs.
I spend at least an hour a day either running or training. This means that when I am training, I need shoes that provide support for multidirectional movement - heel-to-toe and side-to-side. I've been using my shoes for the last eight weeks for weight training, functional movement, and TRX sessions. They're flexible, support my feet really well, have a fantastic grip on the outsole and a flatter heel with cushioning, thus giving me the balance that I need.
So, get out there and get yourself a pair of trainers, that are specific to your needs.