Sri Kamakshi Silk House


Sri Kamakshi Silk House was a sheer delight to walk into as their owner told me about their ancestral business in silk saris and how they craft exclusive pieces where once they get sold out, you're never seeing that design again. They've got a lot of options in Kanjivarams, Tussars, Pochampally, and Patola. And, weavers all the way from Surat and Belgum (Karnataka) help them craft their designs. You can find silk saris here starting from INR 2,500 and above. 


Two Things; 1.) I like to think I live life with rose coloured glasses on, but really they’re black, and I can’t see a thing. (And to be honest, that helps in unseeing the humongous sattire and mess the world is). 2.) Mostly fumbling and staggering through life as gracefully as I can, with an occasional glass of wine here and there.