Tired of shoe-shopping and having to choose between style vs comfort, the perfect heels vs the perfect colour, and price vs quality? OceeDee lets you take the wheel and design the perfect pair of shoes unique to your needs and wants. Headquartered in Noida, this footwear brand has an online presence and offers worldwide shipping.
Buying footwear can be a pain, and wearing it later can hurt even more. So it’s time to disrupt the status quo and take the happiness of your feet in your own hands (haha!). OceeDee believes in making shoes that make you look and feel great, the way only you can. Choose your own style, materials, and details on their online studio, or meet their expert to turn into Cinderella for a day and design the perfect slippers for yourself.
If designing your own shoe just ain’t your thang, worry not! They’ve got a snazzy collection of heels, flats, mules, boots, sneakers, sandals and more that’ll make you squeal with delight. With bright colours, contrasting pastels, funky tribal and animal prints, and fresh designs, OceeDee’s collection is perfect for that energetic, pumpy summer style.
Price: Starting at INR 2,999