Introduced to club music as a kid, Akshay Bhalla’s street cred has been on the high since he moved from Journalism to Stage Management, to being a promoter. In 2012, ‘Bhallanator’ launched India’s first ever electronic music magazine, Euphoric Magazine. When he isn’t at work as editor of the magazine, you can find him marauding as Hoax {as coined in April 2015} and opening for artists like Joseph Capriati, tyDi, Anna, Tenishia, Jerome Is Mae, Arctic Moon, The Viceroy, Indecent Noise, etc. Emerging from his fascination for deceit, he is the trickster of the deck. Look out for this trailblazer who has lots of unreleased material.
What he’s up to now: With a stable job as the Editor of Euphoric Magazine, he moonlights as a promoter and artist as and when he feels like.
Best Moment: Opened a set for Terry Francis in 2009
Worst Moment: When he accidentally pressed the cue button on an in-playing record while the floor was full.
Find out more here.
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