The absolute 'Darling' of a diva, the queen of jazz, and the one that can instantly make you go, 'Cha, Cha, Cha', Usha Uthup is one of my all-time favourite singers. Her iconic tunes sprawl over fifteen languages, and I highly recommend that anyone reading this attend at least one concert of hers, because it will absolutely be the greatest time ever!
Well, enough about me losing it over the living legend, and more on her distinctive style and her obsession with sarees, (which I share as well) that I really want to put under the spotlight, because we are edging into the festivities with full force here.
Uthup expanded on her love for sarees in one of her interviews with Cred and shared about having over 600 plus sarees in her impressive collection. From classic checks, polka dots, and stripes to an array of colours and border patterns, her wardrobe seems to be the ultimate dream of any saree enthusiast, and also serves as the ultimate mood board for this year's upcoming festive shenanigans. Drawing inspiration from her videos and appearances over the years, here are six looks that you can recreate using pieces from six of our favourite homegrown saree brands for a similar style and vibe. Read on!