Health and fitness have revolutionised in recent years, with a shift towards holistic well-being encompassing physical, mental, and gut health. And with that, vitamins and supplements have become an integral part of our fitness journeys. Consuming vitamins and supplements ensures no nutrient deficiency due to diseases, ageing, or just the hectic lives that most of us lead nowadays, with not-so-great food habits and less time in the sun.
These supplements also greatly benefit our skin and hair. Vitamins such as vitamin C fulfil the deficiency that results in hair loss and collagen synthesis, protect against skin damage, and thicken the hair follicles. Vitamin C, folic acid, biotin, and zinc are some vitamins and supplements for hair growth and thickness. These are considered safe for anyone, but it's best to consult a physician in case of any allergies or specific deficiencies. Without further ado, here are the eight best vitamins for hair growth.