Supermarket In Your Phone: Now You Can Order Groceries & More From DMart Via Their App

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DMart, Madhapur, Hyderabad

DMart, Madhapur, Hyderabad

Thanks to several home delivery apps, getting groceries during this lockdown isn't a herculean task as we thought it would be, and DMart Ready is another app making things easier for us. 

If your groceries and essentials come from DMart, you can now order everything from there via their app. You already know that DMart is known for its low prices and deals and none of that is going to change.

From personal care, baby care, to home care and veggies, you can get them delivered to your doorstep or opt for self-pickup at a time that's convenient to you from your nearest DMart store. They do charge a minimum amount for home delivery, but at these times, staying safe at home is the priority. 


Be mindful about their delivery slots and check the availability of their service in your area before placing the order. 


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