While modern living has made us turn towards the more convenient steel or non-stick cookware, old-school utensils are said to hold therapeutic benefits, whether you use them for cooking, or to eat your meals. Following this, Kayal Vizhi Sriram started Essential Traditions By Kayal (a store that sells utensils made of soapstone, copper, bamboo, etc) a few years ago in Chennai and Bengaluru and launched its store in Hyderabad on January 2020 at Aaromale in Film Nagar.
The store has iron and cast iron tawas (starts at INR 735), coconut shell spoons (INR 95), coconut bowls (INR 395), soapstone pots, wooden and coconut fibre kitchen accessories, among others. You will also find khus khus fan that gives out an aromatic smell when waved back-and-forth (INR 495). So peeps, if you are looking for some sustainable products, you should check out this store. Heads up, it stays closed on Tuesday. And yes, they also have a website, in case you want to order online.
The store has iron and cast iron tawas (starts at INR 735), coconut shell spoons (INR 95), coconut bowls (INR 395), soapstone pots, wooden and coconut fibre kitchen accessories, among others. You will also find khus khus fan that gives out an aromatic smell when waved back-and-forth (INR 495). So peeps, if you are looking for some sustainable products, you should check out this store. Heads up, it stays closed on Tuesday. And yes, they also have a website, in case you want to order online.