With restaurants and bars unlikely to reopen soon. Our favourite restaurant AntiSocial has started to sell pre-mix cocktails. They also recommend the base spirit which one can add once the pre-mix cocktail is delivered at your doorstep. 8 variants to choose from. They've kept it super simple & smart. Offering classic cocktails & limited local flavoured ones.
I personally enjoyed Mai Tai, Margaritas & Cosmopolitan. Would recommend Dope Martin if you love the strong coffee flavour.
The best part is the pricing. Rs.150 for a bottle. Each bottle serves 2 glasses for cocktails. Cheers!
I personally enjoyed Mai Tai, Margaritas & Cosmopolitan. Would recommend Dope Martin if you love the strong coffee flavour.
The best part is the pricing. Rs.150 for a bottle. Each bottle serves 2 glasses for cocktails. Cheers!