The Adiyogi bust in Chikkaballapura, located inside the Sadhguru Sannidhi, is a 112-foot-tall bust dedicated to Adiyogi, touted to be the first Yogi. Legend has it that Adiyogi taught 112 ways of achieving well-being to sages and that symbolism is reflected in the size of the bust. There is a Yogeshwar Linga installed near the bust and devotees can offer prayers and offerings here. It's a religious centre and also teaches yoga, so you'll find plenty of yoga practitioners here as well. Every day at 7 PM there's a screening where the story of Adiyogi is projected onto the bust.
Timings: 6 AM to 8 PM every day
Price: Free entry
How To Get There: One can get to Adiyogi at Sadhguru Sannidhi by road as it is located around 65 kilometres from Bangalore. It takes about 2 hours on the road. There are also government buses that operate between Bangalore and Chikkaballapura as well.