Walk In Midst Of Clouds To Witness The Beautiful Sunrise At Nandi Hills

The information in this post might be outdated

What Makes It Awesome?

Everyone who stays at Bengaluru has been to Nandi Hills for certain, but as the saying goes, it's the timing that matters!
Ensure you make it to Nandi before sunrise and start climbing towards the peak.
Just before you reach the peak, you'll find the sunrise spot, make yourself comfortable and patiently wait for the sun to rise from those cottony -clouds.
Wear warm clothes, the morning air can get very cold. Once you witness the sunrise, head towards the peak and have the lip-smacking bajjis and spicy hot Maggie.
Thank me later, guys!

How Much Did It Cost?

Under ₹500

Best To Go With?

Family, Big Group, Bae, Kids, Pets

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