These Adventure Enthusiasts Will Plan Treks To Exotic Destinations For You

The information in this post might be outdated


This company plans treks to lesser known and unexplored places, giving you a unique travel experience that goes beyond just going to a new destination.

Go Off The Beaten Path, Literally

Ever thought of attending the Nagaland Hornbill festival? Or trekking around the Great Lakes of Kashmir? Ultimate Frontier Outlands was started by Aatir Ansari, an Their goal is to explore the unknown and experience the thrill of visiting unique destinations rather than simply traveling to a new place. They do yoga retreats, photography tours, mountain climbs and have customised travel itineraries too.

They make sure their groups never exceed more than ten people, so that each traveller is tended to. If you’re someone who’s up for adventure, but unsure about how to go about planning a trek to a lesser-known destination, you should hit these guys up. They usually have trips planned every month, within the country (and outside, too).

They also have a neat clean-up program called ‘Team Up For A Change’. Every year they focus on a particular environmental issue in Ladakh, then take it to other regions in the country. Team Up For Change is a platform to highlight environmental issues in Ladakh, and, eventually, India.

So, We're Saying...

Summer’s here and there’s no better way to escape the scorching heat by embarking on an exciting trek to beat the city blues (not to mention the heat). Check out their website here.


Dog crazy, wine enthusiast with a love for photography| Writer at LBB.