When it comes to shooting food, my approach is always to focus on the meal with minimal props, as is evident on my Instagram feed. This means that sourcing the best plates becomes vital for a great picture! I love quarter plates because they tend to be smaller than dinner plates and any food you put in them takes up a majority of the real estate. You can therefore come closer to the plate and really focus on the hero elements in your piece of food.
When selecting plates, think of three things:
Colour: Plates need to complement food. Bright plates tend to overshadow your hero. For this reason, look for a neutral colour and earthy hues. Remember that most cooked food is typically brown, which means blues, whites, yellows, and pinks will be your best colour options
Motifs and Patterns: Embellishments and prints can really liven up a picture especially when the hero of your dish is a little plain (example: a simple slice of cake or a brownie square). Pro tip here: stay away from plates with a single design element (like a flower in the centre) because it's going to be hard to style with a singular motif. Get plates with multiple motifs. I love when they asymmetrical
Texture: Choose earth materials. Ceramics, Stoneware, China add more depth to the image making the whole picture a serene mix of imperfect perfections!