In case you don't have any New Year plans, The Gig Night folks have got your back. They've set up their camp at a beautiful, secret spot near Damdama Lake in Gurgaon and they're hosting a New Year special camp night this Dec 31st. They've got live music (everything from RnB to Jazz; Hence, the name Gig Night), a New Year special menu, lucky draw, and the cosiest campfires you can think of. Since it's the last day of 2019, everyone's requested to wear sparkly clothes (psst... best dressed person and the best dressed doggo get hampers too!) to make the atmosphere all the more festive.
What's more? Everyone goes home with a goodie bag and mocktail mixers!
Note: The minimum booking via the LBB link (for either of the swiss/dome tents) is two guests. For a booking of more than 2 people, please get in touch with The Gig Night folks before you book (to check for availability).