Totes, slings and handbags. Bags of all kinds are a woman's best friends. Understanding this relationship, Pochette has a number of bags for you to choose from.
A Pune based brand, Pochette is all about classy, quirky and practical handbags as well as wallets for women. Since its inception, the brand has been swooping bag-o-holics off their feet with their simple, elegant, minimal and out of the box designs. Along with the designs, people are also loving the fact that these bags are pretty much suitable for any budget.
If you are a regular office going person who has to carry a laptop, they have some amazing totes. Available in various sizes, shapes, designs and patterns, these totes start at INR 1,099. If you are looking for something to carry while you are partying on the weekend, you can find some cute sling bags too. We are in love with this black circular sling that has embroidery work on it. This sling can hold your make up essentials and obviously cash and cards. They also have some simpler versions in it.
If you are more of a wallet person, you will find a number of options with them. They have a number of pieces in ikat, leather, cloth and much more.