Love all things rainbow? Here's a list of awesomely colourful products you can check out online on LBB Shop and rock your rainbow crush in style! Check it out.
Rock The Rainbow In Style With These Awesomely Colourful Products
Handmade Tie & Dye Spiral Rainbow Round Cross-Body
Handmade with tassels, and tye-and-dye, this bag will jazz up any outfit with the splash of rainbow colours. Being a cross-bosy one, you can easily sling it across when you're out and about, or if you want to be more demure that day, just sling it on one should! It is really the perfect accessory to brighten up any plain, solid tee or tunic, there's no better way we would like to say 'Love is Love' and rainbow is bae.
Handpainted Rainbow Lightning Sneakers From Jolaa
How adorbs are these handpainted rainbow sneakers from Jolaa? Lightweight and super comfy, we don't see why we can't wear them all-year-around.
Rainbow Whipped Soap From Laviche Bath Essentials
Rainbow Pastel Fur Pouch From Peppy Basket
This one reminds us of that Rainbow Twister ice cream from Kwality Walls! Perfect to store your stationeries or even makeup products and accessories, you can even use this as a travel pouch.