Though my interest towards food is fused in my DNA, haven’t/lately discovered that I am “A FOODIE” until Social World introduced me to this word. Since then I started exploring what I have missed all these days. Variety of cuisines around, Understand food, origin, regional Influences, what not ..! Anything that’s related to Food interested me! After all, I believe #itsallaboutfood. Besides food, photography, travelling, social networking, a little bit of dance, volleyball, caroms are few that interests me.
View my food journey on Zomato!
In a nutshell, I am A Passionate Foodie, Neophyte Photographer & “Dreaming Wanderer “ stuck in corporate life! Hence my pen name “ClickEatXploreYo – Live #CEXY “ which echoes my passion.
Crazy, high-spirited, hyper, smiling is what most of them describe me (True though) but if I have to say, “I am Warm, action-oriented and driven by the desire to be loved and admired.”
Enough said..! Get in touch to know more 😊