The times are such that you have to stay away from your friends who you'd often meet and hang out with. Why not gift them something to cheer them up? Whatever you have in mind, a coffee mug, homemade cake, books, etc, Gracious Wrappers is an Instagram page that will wrap them pretty so you can send it their way. Fancy potli bags, pretty hampers, cane baskets, and gift boxes — get eco-friendly jute bags and fancy packaging for whatever size your gift is.
Need gift boxes in bulk? You'll find embellished boxes for weddings and other ceremonies and customised envelopes for the special occasion. These folks are awesome at customising gift sets for days like baby shower, birthdays, etc so if you expect tiny wardrobe-like gift boxes for kids, tiny bookshelf boxes, and baskets shaped like kits for kids,
Different, right? DM them on Instagram.