Don’t let your spirits down because of a pandemic. Especially, when it’s time to celebrate an occasion. Following this mantra, Riya and Esha Chhajlani started Party In A Box, a concept by Rish Entertainment. They curate DIY boxes, that includes a minimum of 10 to 15 items (balloon, banners, backdrop, etc) that you need to deck up your walls and bring the celebration mode on without stepping out. They are all customised as per the theme, from bridal showers to birthdays, literally everything.
Once you get in touch, there will be online video assistance. You can discuss your ideas. Basically, the process involves four steps. In the first step, one has to choose a theme from their existing list (or tell them what exactly are you looking for). Step two, place an order. Step three, the order will be delivered at your doorstep and step four, assemble the items, and set it up! FYI, the items are sanitised and sealed.
So, bring on the celebration vibes with this contactless curated party box!