For a classic display of love, nothing quite says it like a bouquet of roses, and Ambrose will have a box of that and so much more delivered to your loved ones, even at midnight! Completely customisable, right from the colour of the roses, to the arrangement or any other kind of personal touch you can think of - they’ll get it done.
A basic bouquet box (or bouxet, as we like to call it) with different (or same) coloured roses can be delivered the same day, and start at INR 1,500 for a box of 35. Going the extra mile, they’ve got Royal colours gold, silver, deep blue (or purple) and even black roses. Known as Alexandrite roses, they have two varieties - natural and Eternity, and are available only through Ambrose in India. Remember the magical rose from Beauty and the Beast in a bell jar that lasted 10 years? That’s what the eternity roses are. Placed in acrylic cases, they last two years, and yes, they’re available in all the usual colours too. The Royal, and Eternity roses will need to be ordered at least 24 hours prior.
Add a touch of sugar while you’re giving some sugar and include custom made chocolates, desserts (macaroons, cakesicles, cupcakes, or even granola), or even a bottle of wine with the roses. Make it a beauty box, self-care box, or add other goodies, but remember to order them well in advance. They deliver the Alexandrite roses all across the country, but the rest only in Bangalore.