Hamsah Organic Farm

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A slice of rural life well within city limits, this 5-acre farm run by John Fennessy, is an avid spot for a weekend volunteering stint. Get to use a tiller, walk some cows and cook some kale bajjis! Make sure you attend the seasonal mango harvest. There are constantly new things being sown, grown and reaped over here, making it a lively and interactive space to truly regain your lost roots. Visitors can also head down on weekends to pick up an assortment of interesting produce they have growing there, from zucchini and lettuce to fresh rosemary and passion fruit,


Siddharth tries to be a jack of all trades, but usually ends up being a master of none. He enjoys dabbling in diverse genres, and is thus freelancing whilst simultaneously learning Japanese. He loves food, cynical sci-fi literature and football, but is truly at home in a nice jam, having played for a funk band in college(that never really took off, ever). After a few years in the music journalism industry, he then took to volunteering on farms to rediscover his own path to sustainability and is currently trying to do just that.