Marks & Spencer's New Initiative Recycles Your Old Clothes For A Gift And The Greater Good


Marks and Spencers teams up with the Goonj Foundation to help you recycle your clothes, with a little gift.

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The next time you walk into Marks & Spencer to buy all of your essentials, look out for their black Clothes Exchange Box and drop off some of your old clothes! That’s right. Out with the old, and in with the new, for a cause! For every drop-off, you get an INR 600 voucher from Marks & Spencer that you can use on your next purchase. If that wasn’t enough incentive, all the clothes you have dropped off will be recycled and repurposed for clothing for the poor and needy by the Goonj Foundation. The Goonj Foundation focuses on ensuring clothing doesn’t end up in landfills and helps you live a sustainable life.

So, start off the New Year by dropping off all your clothes from 2017 and contributing them to the clothes exchange, and begin living a more sustainable life. The box will be a permanent installation in stores across the country so you can drop your old clothes off anytime, anywhere.


Wanderlust, fashion and Instagram are few of the things that consume Diya's thoughts. She's a quirky personality who can't stop talking about her last meal or her handsome dog. Other habits include bad puns, scrolling endlessly through Tumblr and listening to Beethoven.