Yes, You Can Paraglide Right Here In Chennai & We Have All The Deets!

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What Makes It Awesome

Chennai Peeps, you can now paraglide above the Bay of Bengal on our very own ECR every weekend. Thanks to a venture by the Adventure Aero Sports Association called Fly2Day, you can now indulge in paramotoring which is almost like paragliding but better because you don’t have to launch off a hill. You just get propelled into the air with the help of an engine. Adventure Aero Sports Association is actually a para-motoring facility in Palavakkam and organises this tandem (two people – a rider and a pilot) para-motoring experience for the public all through the week on East Coast Road (ECR). 

Here's how it works - once you’re briefed, you are strapped in front of your pilot and with a short burst, you can see the ground falling away from under your feet. You can book your slots by registering online on the Fly2Day website here. They currently have two packages, - a Silver package which entails a ride for a maximum of five people at INR 2,500 per head, a Gold package is a ride for groups of above five people but below 10 people at INR 2,000 per head. 

On-spot registrations are taken on the weekends, but only if any online registration gets cancelled, so it’s always better to book at least two days in advance, especially if you're planning on going there during the week. Each ride lasts for about 10-15 mins and you require no gear as everything is provided by the team on site. They equip you with a safety helmet, a life jacket, a noise reduction headset and even attach a GoPro to a selfie stick with which you can record your experience. So book yourself the experience of a lifetime with Fly2Day right away.


1. Children before 5 years of age will not be permitted.

2. Anyone between 25 to 80 kilograms can avail the experience.

Timings: 3 PM to 5 PM on weekends, closed on weekdays


Prefers Chinese and Biryani over the world, full-time blabberer, part-time book worm and a self-proclaimed artist because writing bad poetry is an art.