Kankatala, the legendary Hyderabad-based saree label that is over six decades old is coming to Chennai and we can’t keep calm! Their hand-picked saree exhibition will happen at The Amethyst on March 9 and 10 between 10 AM to 8 PM. From traditional Kanchipuram silks and Banarasis to chic organzas and linens, you will have a myriad of options to choose from.
Celebrate Your Love For Saree At Kankatala’s Handpicked Saree Exhibition In Chennai
What's Happening?
How’s the venue?
The Amethyst is one of the most beautiful cafes (consider an aesthetic IG story covered) in Chennai and is renowned for curating high-end events like these.
Make a note
The entry is absolutely free and you can directly walk into to the exhibition without any prior registration.
Entry is absolutely FREE