Drop Those Extra Pounds With Yummy Detox Juices By Raw Pressery

RAW Pressery

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The year’s almost over but did you stick to your new year’s resolutions? Nope? We thought so. Here’s a quick way to get back on track: A one-day beauty cleanse- seven bottles of cold-pressed juices.

Set Your Alarm For 9AM

And don’t hit the Snooze button. It’s time for your spinach and kale juice. It doesn’t taste half as bad as it sounds and gives you that boost needed to face the day.

This is followed by an extremely tasty strawberry and blueberry concoction called Life, at 11am, which makes you feel pretty full. But as predicted, you start feeling hungry after an hour or so which is when you drink Flush {apple, beetroot, carrot, ginger} at 2pm, a refreshing activated charcoal and lemon juice {Detox} at 4.30pm and Glow {cucumber, coconut and and pineapple} at 7pm.

Now you’re going to start feeling ravenous {and slightly woozy if you’re used to devouring buckets of chicken every day, like us} but we urge you to not give up unless you’re feeling super weak of course. The last juice is at 9.30pm and is a surprisingly refreshing mix of matcha, kale and coconut water. Post which, you’re in all likeliness going to fall into a deep slumber.

The Beauty Of It

We’re not going to lie. It’s difficult staying hungry for a full day and there were moments when I almost gave up and ordered Chinese but honestly, you’re going to wake up the next day feeling light as a feather.

They also send across a face scrub and face mask which both leave your skin feeling and looking smooth. And two tea bags {Marigold and Long Island Green Tea} which help calm the nerves.

So, We're Saying...

Order these and start afresh on a healthy, happy note.


Editor @ LBB/ Poker Face/ Cakehead/ Momo Sapien/ Lip balm hoarder/ Pro online shopper/ Puppy Person/ Explorer of all things food & drinks 🍸