Relish Pink Pasta, Grilled Prawns, Pizza & More At This Restaurant

264 Interested |

What Makes It Awesome?

Mascarpone, a small restaurant located on the way to Mahabalipuram, serves the best of Italian and Thai cuisine. This humble, cosy little place offers all types of pasta, pizzas, and the best of ravioli. It has a limited but absolutely mouth-watering selection of desserts. The restaurant also includes a small boutique with some cute clothes and decor on display.

My usuals there include the grilled prawns, pink pasta, and warm mud cake! Don't forget to try the cake. It's the best in town.

Oh, and if you are lucky, you’ll get to meet some of their doggo friends too. 🐾

What Could Be Better?

I won't recommend the place for an event later in the day as it is mostly outdoor. Mosquitoes may be a problem

How Much Did It Cost?

INR 500 - INR 1,000

Best To Go With?

Family, Big Group, Bae, and Kids.
