Go On A Blind Date With A Book At This Anti-Cafe

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Adyar’s anti-cafe, Backyard has a cool new matchmaking service for bibliophiles. For just INR 100, you can buy a second-hand book of your choice from their collection at their space in Adyar; the catch is that you don’t know what book it is. The books are wrapped in crisp brown paper and on the front, phrases, words, and tags describing the book are inscribed. You’re left to pick a book with the descriptions you like best. The books vary in genre and you can find anything from self-help books to thrillers. We think it’s a great way to read new authors you’re lazy/hesitant to read otherwise. Which one will you end up picking up?


Loves pizzas, writing and playing Fifa. Full-time Ultimate Frisbee player, part-time pop music listener and hopeful Olympian in 2024.