The Imperial Fernando Ballet Company (IFBC), founded by businessman Rafi Khan and choreographer Fernando Aguilera (who's also the artistic director of the company), has turned to the online medium to train kids and adults of all skill levels in the graceful art form of ballet. The company trains students in Vaganova Russian Classical Ballet (the only company in India to do so) and the faculty makes learning very fun and interactive (we're trusting our experienced dancer friends on this one).
IFBC is offering beginner, intermediate & advance classes for three age groups - KG Ballet (ages four to seven), Ballet Level 1 (ages seven to 12), and Ballet For Adult (ages 12 & above), with classes held twice a week for all batches. All you would need, apart from ballet shoes, is a strong fixed horizontal support (a kitchen slab or a wall works) and a non-sticky, and non-slippery floor. Just join in the Zoom call then and you'll be on your Black Swan journey (minus the mental and emotional upheaval, of course).
Fees for IFBC's online ballet classes are INR 7,000 (16 classes) and there's also an option to take a trial class for INR 500.