This Pretty Pastel Cafe In Besant Nagar Is All About Hungarian Street Snacks

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What Makes It Awesome

With a new cafe opening in the corner almost every day, this place struck us the most since the day of its opening in Besant Nagar. Why? It may not be a huge space but boy, Kurtos Madras has got some adorably, decorated interiors from where they offer Hungarian street food called chimney cakes. Kurtos, in itself, refers to one of the oldest Hungarian pastries or spit cake. If you have never heard of those, then we will tell you all about these grilled soft bread and their delicious toppings.  But first about the place itself.

As you enter the little space, Kurtos Madras is adorned with mint coloured walls and candy pink couches to sit. We loved the geometric lanterns hanging from the ceiling! While the left side has been turned into a place for seating with tables, couches and chairs, the right side is the live cooking counter. That's where the magic happens! These guys specialise in making Chimney cakes which come in two shapes - chimney cakes and chimney cones. These are types of thin and light bread which are grilled or heated using shapely rods which are sourced from Hungary itself! 

Kurtos Madras serves chimney cakes with salads, savoury chimney cones and cakes as well as sweet/dessert chimney cakes and cones. We ended up trying one of each! Since we were trying it for the first time, we ordered the classic Hungarian chimney cake with no filling. Priced at INR 85, the hot bread was rolled on a mixture of paprika, onions and spices and was served with cream cheese. From the salad section, we tried the tandoori paneer salad chimney cake. And it was oh-so-creamy! Under savoury chimney cones, we sampled their butter chicken chimney cone which was topped with a frosting of cream cheese on top! 

For dessert, upon suggestion, we went for Texture Of Chocolate which had a chimney cone rolled over brownie crumbs and was topped with a chocolate softy and chocolate balls along with a KitKat bar! The softy was the creamiest. We also got a classic sweet chimney cake with was rolled over coconut sugar. That just made our evening! 

Remember not to use a spoon if you are not in the mood for sharing. They are meant to be picked up and be bitten into. That's the charm of eating these.


They have milkshakes to try out as well, which are served in pretty glass bottles. We tried the caramel popcorn flavour, which was thick and frothy. Perhaps, don't order as much as we did. A chimney cake salad makes for a good enough meal. You just have to choose your type of bread and topping to go.


A relentless lost soul with an awkward smile.