Now, Take A Book Home For Free Courtesy The Little Free Library

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Little Free Library has found its way to Chennai, at Sandy’s Chocolate Laboratory (Austin Nagar). The concept is pretty straightforward - take a book home for free. Once you are done reading the book, you could either return to any Little Library or share it with a friend. And the best part? You can read little notes written by the previous owner. You could do the same thing.

Currently, the collection includes fiction, biographies, academic books, school books, and magazines. Hey and don't forget to leave those notes so people can take something special. Little Free Library is a US-based non-profit organisation that offers a way to share good things to read - books that you read in your childhood to what you would recommend to friends. You can also donate books here. So win-win, eh?


Writer, musician, traveler, just basically whatever I can do.