Packs to Serums : Get The Au Naturel Glow With Beauty Care Products From This Online Store

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From your skin and hair to your eyes and lips, make this online store your next stop for chemical-free organic products and bring that natural glow that you had been looking for all along. 

What Makes It Awesome

Acne, oily skin, tired body, limp hair, dark eye circles, chapped lips, out bodily problems never seem to die off. What your skin needs is to energise and Nature Foody To Your Skin is here to provide you with just that. Merch made out of organic garden products and without any chemicals, they work wonders for your skin. They deal with hair care, eye care, lip care, body care, body soaps, skin care, and revitalising gels. Their products claim to help with wholesome growth and development of the skin. 

One of their most popular product is the hair growth oil made out of ingredients like curry leaves, hibiscus, lavender blended with tea tree oil. Kept overnight, it will apparently moisturise and bring shine to your hair. Apart from that, they have lemon body scrub for detan, charcoal body soap for detoxing, under eye serum for those dark circles, lip balms for plumping and pink lips, lash and brow serum for volumising and so much more! Check out their website and explore the tons of options available for each skin issue that you are facing. 

They also customise their products according to your issue. All you have to do is give them a call or send a DM; they will pick their ingredients according to your liking and needs. They also have pure aloe vera gel and cactus gel which have various known natural energising tendencies. Their products are not more than INR 800 so pamper your skin like it deserves to be! Their website also has a huge season sale going on so hurry and grab their merch now.


Products are subject to availability. Most of their products are customised upon order and depend on the issues that your hair, body or skin is dealing with. 


A relentless lost soul with an awkward smile.