Maybe our love of hand-crafted things actually begins from here. If our grown-up fascination with Lego is anything to go by, then it may in fact be true – there’s got to be a little boy or girl that lives inside you who still wants to play. Your inkling might be confirmed with the arrival of the Small Brown Box at your doorstep. Now, hand it over to the eager 5-year old face it was originally intended for. Good going.
Small Brown Box is a subscription-based service with fun at-home activities for kids aged 3 till 8. We know there are so many great new services that focus on alternative routes to traditional knowledge for kids and we’re so happy they exist; but sometimes, education aside, it’s fair to say that kids just wanna have fun.
We found the boxes to be made of stuff that was actual fun; not the trying-too-hard kind of fun. Gluesticks, stickers, shiny things, spools of wool, goggly eyes and lots of other things to keep little hands busy and happily out of trouble.
Every month, an art and crafts based surprise arrives at your doorstep, complete with all materials {including scissors and glue} that are needed to make that box’s creation come alive. Kaleidoscopes, glowing fireflies and pom pom toys – as you’d expect of playthings these days, they are all designed to improve skills like fine and gross motor skills, creativity and communication. Most importantly, we think it’s great for setting aside time and concentrating on completing a task, before iPad time begins.
The subscription is available in 3 month, 6 month and 12 month options. Each box comes with a couple of projects, and for those busy minds, at-home experimental ideas relevant to the box’s contents.
If you’re thinking this is no more newfangled than the sort of craft activites we did as kids, you’re absolutely right. And that’s the beauty of it.
Granted, there is now an adorable pet adoption form for when the tiny customer has made their wooly animal, but essentially it’s classic make-things-with-your-own-two-hands kind of fun that doesn’t have busy parents running around for ideas and sprinting across town to source the materials.
And if that weren’t enough to make the adults happy, there’s this bit of good news – they do return presents too!