South India Get Its First Paper Currency Museum And It Is Right Here In Bangalore!

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Rezwan Razack's Museum of Indian Paper Money which is South India’s first paper currency museum is here in Bangalore and we are thrilled. It is owned by the world's biggest collector of Indian paper money, Rezwan Razack, who is also co-founder and joint MD of The Prestige Group. The museum is located on the second floor of Prestige Falcon Towers and is now open for public viewing. At this museum, you will find Indian paper currency from the pre-independence era to the most recent ones. We are talking about currency from the British Raj era with ‘Quit India’ written on it to an INR 1,000 note (which is now demonetised) with ‘Jai Telangana’ written on it. The museum is home to over 700 paper currency notes from across time, collected over the span of 20 years by Rezwan Razak and various fellow numismatics. You can learn all about the history and origin of paper currency in India at this museum. Plan a visit soon, maybe?