A New Sushi Place In Town!

130 Interested |

What Makes It Awesome?

Mango Kitchen & Bar Delhi recently added a new sushi & sake menu and are serving a wide variety of vegetarian and Non-vegetarian sushi. A must try for all the sushi lovers and for the ones who want to give this delicacy a try.

We personally loved their smoked avocado & water chestnut sushi and paired it with the more seasoned sake which was a bit darker in colour.

What Could Be Better?

Service has a vast scope of improvement.

How Much Did It Cost?

₹1,000 - ₹3,000

Best To Go With?

Family, Bae

Food ❇️ Lifestyle ❇️ Travel Continously hogging food in the most non-discriminating way! Food is my religion but my tummy is Punjabi.