Set in the rural fringes of the state of Bihar, India, the film traverses the travails of an old man and his family through a day's routine. Tied in customs and dipped in tradition the world surrounding the old man is portrayed with characteristic monotony. 'Das Nichts' essentially captures the essence of a melancholic existence of the old man who is shown to be impaired of hearing. Through a unique audio-visual sensory experience the film attempts to establish the fact that the impairment in the Old Man's life is a microcosm of the existence of the world around him, both happily oblivious of either. Catch the screening at Atta Galatta.
Film Screening At Atta Galatta
Event Info
A pop culture enthusiast, this LBB Features Writer knows the lyrics to every chart topper since the 90s. Down for a Tarantino film binge any time, she goes on long runs and engages in an above average amount of DIY to feel productive. Loves pizza, hates planking.
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