The world famous bungeeWORKOUT is here, and we’ve all got Jumplo (and the director, Soumya Venkatesh) to thank for it. And if there's something new to try in town, can LBB be far behind! Naturally, I roped in my unsuspecting colleague to go with me. Set above Terra Bites in Koramangala, Soumya and James, our trainer, pumping music, white brick walls, padded flooring and bungee equipment welcomes you. Essentially a full-body workout, that is a blend of dance, fitness and resistance training, and acrobatics, all while you attached to a harness, this looked like a lot of fun. But also a lot of hard work!
We were quickly suited up and attached to our individual harnesses and immediately, we could feel the body needing to stabilise and muscles were in resistance training mode. As the workout got more intense, the cord also provided assistance. We started with forward runs and leaps. Once we got the hang of it (to some level), we began combinations of squats, star jumps in the air, lunges and push-ups. It all sounds fun and games, but hey, you try doing it with a cord pulling you back! With many (many) tries, and tips from our lovely trainer, we were able to go through a few sets of choreography. Yes! We even progressed to flying leaps, pseudo dives that turned into planks and co-ordinated ones at that!
Working up a real sweat, and certainly being introduced to muscles we didn’t know existed, the Bungee workout is great for those looking for something challenging, different and energetic. It’s great if you’re looking for low-impact, high cardio, resistance training and really working well on your core. It also does wonders for balance, stability and is the ideal full-body workout. Our sore arms, legs, and aching core the next day was proof of how effective the session was. And our desire to go (despite the aches!), shows how addictive this can be! We plan to master our moves and release a better, more graceful, video soon!