Kitchen On Table Pebble brings the experience of teppanyaki cooking in what they are calling it Bangalore's (and even the country's) biggest teppanyaki restaurant. Set inside the revamped Pebble (cue outdoor ambience that we are all too familiar with), Kitchen On Table Pebble will host quite a culinary show when it comes to enjoying your meal. With a focus on Pan-Asian cuisine, find all of the classics from sushi to udon noodles on the menu. Plus, there’s plenty of grills and barbeque to tuck into as well.
Before you dig into the teppanyaki cuisine, we recommend you start off with the sushi section. Our pick is the California Maki Roll with crabstick and the vegetarian version of this that comes with avocados. Once you're done, put aside your chopsticks and let the chef take over the teppanyaki table. He starts off the experience in a grand way -- a fire show (watch our video to know it) that you definitely need to record. This is only the beginning because, over the course of the meal, you will find the chef doing all sorts of tricks with their utensils and tools, including juggling eggs. Everything is part of your experience.
Perfect for a first date or a family dinner, the culinary show is sure to keep everyone amused. With Chinese, Japanese and other Pan-Asian options on the menu, it's not just the theatrics, but the food is good too. You can go for a set menu or a opt for the a la carte where you get to pick and choose what you want to be cooked on your table. Oh, and the best part? Since the chef is right there, you can tell him exactly how you need your food made. And you will see him making it exactly the way you want it.
Pop over to the bar and order some drinks while you are enjoying your meal. Their signature cocktails such as High Thai and Enter The Dragon are our picks.