Blossom Book House, spanning a legacy of over two decades, still remains a booklover’s paradise on Church Street. Whatever your heart desires, you shall find here. We’re often lost right on the ground floor, at the shelf that stocks books from Bertrand Russell’s A History of Western Philosophy to beginner’s introductions to Marx and Foucault and the latest books. We’ve also spied Sanskrit dictionaries, old books of sheet music, travelogues, rare comic books, manga, and even LPs. Here is also where you’re likely to run into ever-knowledgeable, ever-pleasant owner Mayi Gowda, whom you should turn to should you have any queries, or if you’re just in need of a chat. Gowda's book recommendations for different tastes are impeccable.
Of course at Blossom Book House, there’s plenty to look for on the fiction floor (which also houses books on crime, romance, poetry, and plays). Centrally located, you’ll see here how this bookstore has sustained many a struggling English Literature student who’s unable to buy first-hand copies of novels. You’ll find classics from the princely sum of INR 60 upwards and we have discovered one too many books that have beautiful writings on them -- some gifts, some first prizes, and so on.
On your way up, take in the news of upcoming plays, festivals, and workshops from the posters lining the wall next to the staircase. On the top floor, you’ll find a charming collection of cookbooks, as well as books on history, gardening, management, and other subjects.
Whether you're a bibliophile, a student, or a casual reader, this charming independent bookstore caters to all tastes. Blossom Book House has successfully remained an essential stop for anyone who values the joy of reading, offering a sanctuary of knowledge, culture and nostalgia.
Google Rating: 4.7/5
Timings: 10:30 AM to 10 PM
LBB Tip: They also deliver online! You can order here.