Watch Out For This Retro-Pop Themed Interior Design Event With Dream Homes!

What's Happening: There is a retro-pop themed pop-up happening at Folly at Amethyst on August 3 & 4 featuring works by architects Priya Ganesan and Rambha Seth. The event is from 10 am to 8 pm and will showcase the interior designs of various rooms in a home. The furniture is mid-century modern and the design is inspired by the colours and aesthetics of Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. Everything from the little pencil of the table to the lighting and accessories in each room has been personally curated by these architects from all over India. The exhibition will feature brands and vendors from various parts of the city including Mumbai, Bangalore, and Jaipur. 

Price Includes: Entry is free! 

Make A Note: You can take a piece of this exhibition back home! You can buy the stationery showcased starting INR 100 and the accessories starting INR 2,000.


Writer, musician, traveler, just basically whatever I can do.