If you’re new to Chennai, you probably think all we do is slurp on thaiyyir saadam and stuff our faces with idlis. Well, you aren’t entirely wrong. Yes, we do, but did you know there are so many other legendary dishes you probably haven’t tried? Check our list of awesome dishes you must try, whether you’re a tourist or an old-school city dweller. And thank us later, yeah? We take gratitude in the form of podi idlis and filter kaapi too — just saying!
Disclaimer: If you're doing takeaways or dining in, please follow all social distancing rules, wear masks and carry sanitisers while you are at the outlets.
Kavuri GOwtham
who curated this? Murgan Idli shop has good jigarthanda? got to be kidding. it sucks. Tnagar has Madurai's Famous Jigarthanda. not up to madhurai mark, but far better than murugan one