Kankatala, a well-known brand in Hyderabad is getting their range of handpicked, handwoven sarees to Chennai, on September 9 and 10 at The Folly in Amethyst. Expect Patan Patola, Paithani, Kanjivaram Silk, Banarasi Saree, Khadi, Kota, Line, Organza, Gadwal, Uppada, and designer sarees on display.
Check Out This Exhibition That Offers Handpicked Sarees
What's Happening
Price Includes
The sarees start at INR 2,000.
Make A Note
Fun fact: Kankatala was established in the year 1943 and is currently run by Kankatala Mallikarjuna Rao. A golden rule that the Kankatala family has been following for the past 72 years is that - each and every saree is handpicked by a family member with emphasis on quality, weave, design, and fabric.