Which pub has Ladies Night on which day? Are you one of those who makes a mark on the calendar so you can keep a track of these fun nights? Then you should probably mark this one in your calendar too.
365 AS, the lounge bar at Hyatt Regency has recently launched Ladies Night and it is called Winged Wednesday’s. Apt isn't it? Not just that. They also have two special drinks made for women who walk in on Winged Wednesdays - Ginfizz, infused with gin and sparkling wine and Narangi Tharra, gin infused with berry compote, orange juice, and mint.
As part of the inaugural, they also have two artists who will be performing at the bar the entire month - DJ Pallavi and DJ Lykan. While Pallavi is from Hyderabad and has performed with renowned artists like Nucleya and Sartek to name a few. DJ Lykan has had the honour fo performing with internationally acclaimed artists like DJ Nikhil Chinappa, DJ Inferno, Notorious, DJ Akbar Sami, and DJ Suketu. The duo is said to perform some special genres for all the ladies of namma Chennai on Winged Wednesday’s. Woohoo and cheers to that!
The next time you are free on a Wednesday and are wondering where to go, now you know, ladies!