Heave-ho! Ever wondered how did the pirates drink that much rum and still stood straight in the aim to get all the treasure? Well, they ate. Take Jack Sparrow, for example! You can do just that (except the rum. You ain't going on a ship with cannonballs) at The Black Pearl in Sholinganallur. Spread across a sprawling 12,000 square feet, this restaurant is gargantuan. You are welcomed by Jack Sparrow, Hector Barbossa, and Davy Jones! Skeleton heads, large vintage golden chandeliers, a stage with a huge octopus add to the ambience! What's not to like?
There's a photo corner where you can sit on an electric chair (oh, we are just kidding) and the beheading spot. As for the grub. The Black Pearl buffet is massive and filling. With live counters for chat, pizza and grills, it feels like a massive spread. This place is also a meat lovers haven with options like eel, octopus, and rabbit and of course, chicken. Oh, yes, we aren't kidding!
Their buffet starters are the best. We loved their Jamaican Crispy Potato and Atishi Aloo. As part of the non-vegetarian starters, do try their Chef Special Mutton Seekh, Achari Fish and Peri-Peri Prawns. They also have a live barbeque grill on each table. Expect mushrooms, gobi, aloo, pineapple and corn for the vegetarians. Non-veg eaters can binge on any meat to be grilled and served. Ask for your choice of bread and pair it with a plethora of sides - Paneer Kurchan (typical paneer sabzi - spicy and goes well with the bread), Aloo Gobi Adraki, Dhaba Gosht and Egg Korma. For dessert, they have kheer, jalebi, chocolate cookies, and cakes. They've got both lunch and dinner buffet (priced higher). Prices start from about INR 650 for vegetarian and INR 750 for non-vegetarian (lunch prices).
The Black Pearl also has an independent menu to choose from if you want something in particular. We suggest you go for some shakes (or a Red bull because that is the closest you will get to a rum). Price for two is INR 1500.
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