You don’t even have to like the hearts and flowers feel to Breeze Florist on East Coast Road (ECR). This tiny store provides floral services at pocket-friendly prices and these flowers are full on Instagram goals!
Anything you need in flower arrangement can be organised by Breeze - they do floral arrangements and decor for various events right from corporate get togethers to weddings and proposals. Their floral collection differs every season and currently they’ve got roses, daffodils, lilies, carnations, peonies, sunflowers, and hydrangeas. Bouquet arrangements are priced from INR 150 and increase with the choice of flowers. The carnations come in white, purple, pink, orange, and dual tones as well.
For decor, the price range depends on what service you need. They provide everything from personalised floral gifts to decking up the pathway and arches of a wedding hall with flowers. The bridal bouquets are their specialty and these are negotiable (we hear they start from INR 500). If you want something low-key, check out their artificial flowers and decor options priced from INR 300. We love their collection of flowers, so check out the flowers and follow your heart!
Anything you need in flower arrangement can be organised by Breeze - they do floral arrangements and decor for various events right from corporate get togethers to weddings and proposals. Their floral collection differs every season and currently they’ve got roses, daffodils, lilies, carnations, peonies, sunflowers, and hydrangeas. Bouquet arrangements are priced from INR 150 and increase with the choice of flowers. The carnations come in white, purple, pink, orange, and dual tones as well.
For decor, the price range depends on what service you need. They provide everything from personalised floral gifts to decking up the pathway and arches of a wedding hall with flowers. The bridal bouquets are their specialty and these are negotiable (we hear they start from INR 500). If you want something low-key, check out their artificial flowers and decor options priced from INR 300. We love their collection of flowers, so check out the flowers and follow your heart!